Register a domain name in Zimbabwe Cheaply

A domain name is your internet address so you need to be careful when choosing it and choosing who will register it for you. You need a domain name for your website, blog and emails- it makes life easier for you as it adds credibility. Imagine trying to do business with a company with a website address! No wonder the websites are kicking it in business!

Where can you register a domain?

You can register a domain name from any ZISPA Member. Tremhost is also a member of the Zimbabwe Internet Service Providers Association. See all members here: ZISPA or get one from Tremmly.

What’s the lowest domain registration price?

Tremmly is the holy grail of domain registration. You can get a domain name for only $0.99. Register yours today- see here.

How long does domain registration take?

It takes 5 to 24 hours. Within that time frame.

Who do you recommend?

Of course we recommend Tremhost!

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